8 results for "Flex Daily"
How do Flex schedules work?
SummaryUnless you are an irrigation professional, have been educated by one, or are self-educated, this method of watering is going to seem a bit out of the ord...
Flex Daily Schedules FAQ
SummaryFlex Daily Schedules determine when to water dynamically on a zone-by-zone basis; intervals will adjust based on weather conditions and soil moisture est...
How to setup a Flex Daily Schedule
SummaryFlex Daily schedules work a bit differently than your conventional sprinkler schedule. Like a self-driving car, the controller is smart enough to dr...
Water Delay and Manual Skip
SummaryWhat if you want to cancel the upcoming water, or maybe push it to the next day? Ever wanted to delay the watering for days? Good news! Rachio lets you s...
How do I edit duration and frequency on Flex Daily Schedules?
SummaryWant to make a quick edit to watering durations? Do you think your schedules are watering too much? Flex Daily schedules automatically select durations f...
Advanced Zone Settings - Sprinkler Controllers
SummaryThis article explains how to edit Advanced Zone settings and explains each setting in detail. Advanced Zone Settings are primarily used for Rachio's ...
What are moisture levels? (Flexible Daily Schedules)
SummaryWondering how the system knows when your soil is dry? How does Rachio know the right time to water? If you have a zone in multiple schedule types, the mo...
Scheduling FAQ - All about watering schedules
SummaryNow that you have your Rachio online and working, you may wonder how to create and edit a schedule to help you save water. In this article, we'll wal...